San Diego

FY2023 Activity Report


San Diego

FY2023 Activity Report



activities per company

Number of activities conducted during the program period, such as market research, and meetings with potential partners/investors. (average per company).

※ Excluding seminars and one-on-one sessions provided by the program

(outside of Japan)

The number of achieved outcomes post-program such as various contract signings, personnel recruitments and establishment of bases outside of Japan.

4 successfully signed contracts (New business / partnerships), 1 new US offices Established / opened, 1 US local hires recruited in the US

Click here for participating startups in FY2023
Click here for admin in FY2023

Program Content

Domestic Program
1-on-1 Mentorings with Local Professionals
Read more
Workshop / Seminars
Read more
Pitch Day
Read more
Local Program
(In person)

1-on-1 Mentorings with Local Professionals
Read more
Local Program
(In person)
Workshop / Seminars / Conferences
Read more

[#2]Pitch Event at the Consul
General's official residence

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Matching / Networking / Business Opportunities
Read more
Pitch Day
Read more
Pitch Day


※ Participating Startups :
(Including online participants)
Local Program #1: 7 companies, 10 people (Including online participants)
Local Program #2 : 4 companies, 5 people
Local Program #3 : 1 company, 1 person
* The schedule and content are for the year 2023. They may change for 2024 and beyond.
* All programs will be conducted in English, unless otherwise noted.

Program Phase & Dates


Domestic Program

8/7/2023 - 8/18/2023


  • 1-on-1 Mentorings
    • UCSD/IGE x 2
      - Review on priorities for U.S. expansion and goals for this program & provide feedback
    • Launchstarz x 1
      - Review and feedback on current issues and goals the startups want to achieve in the U.S.
  • Seminars (UCSD / IGE) x 2
    • Introduction to the San Diego ecosystem and the latest trends in the life science industry, and pitch structure based on target customer analysis and needs
  • Pitch Day
    • Group pitch session for selection of candidates


  • Business Seminars in Japanese (LaunchStarz) x 3
    • Basic business courses in Japanese
  • Group Q&A Sessions (LaunchStarz) x 2
    • Launchstarz hosts two Q&A sessions aimed at addressing all concerns, offering practical examples, and guiding startups to ensure they are fully prepared for pitch day and have a clear grasp of their priorities.
  • Pitch 101 Sessions (LaunchStarz) x 1
    • Launchstarz offers a fundamental pitch deck training session, focusing on essential do's and don'ts for crafting effective pitch decks and identifying key areas for startups to refine and practice. Following the training, Launchstarz will extend support through personalized feedback by reviewing pitch decks and providing tailored guidance.

Local Program #1
(Week 1-2)

9/11/2023 - 9/22/2023


  • 1-on-1 (or 2-on-1) Mentorings
    • LaunchStarz x 1
      - Pitch deck refinement and feedback
    • UCSD/IGE Mentors x 2 (including the virtual mentorgings)
      - Review and feedback on current issues and goals the startups want to achieve in the U.S.
  • Seminars, sessions, etc. (UCSD / IGE) x 20+
    • Input for market understanding, regulatory affairs, client development, and other essential knowledge for U.S. expansion
  • Panel discussion etc. (UCSD / IGE) x 5+
    • Made presentations for and diccussed with ecosystem stakeholders, life science industry associations, etc.
  • Event x 3+
    • Pitches and events for investors and industry professionals, including a booth exhibition at Innovation Week 2023
  • Pitch Day
    • Pitch in front of the Dean of Engineering UCSD Japan General Consulate of LA, and mentors (7 min pitch and 8 min Q&A)


  • Daily Workshops run by UCSD in an intimate round table format
  • Office hours with mentors

Local Program #2
(Week 3-4)

9/25/2023 - 10/6/2023


  • 1-on-1 (or 2-on-1) Mentorings
    • LaunchStarz x 1
      - Pitch deck refinement and feedback
    • UCSD / IGE x 2+
      - Individual matching arrangement of about 3 companies / person for each startup
  • Team meetings
    • Strengthening connections among participating startups and supporting ongoing relationship building
  • Pitch Day
    • Pitch for teams and mentors to present their results

Local Program #3
(Week 5-8)

10/9/2023 - 11/3/2023


* Prioritize activities for achieving each startups' set goals
  • 1-on-1 meetings with mentors invited by UCSD


  • Mentor office hours arranged by UCSD
  • Startups had the opportunity to follow-up with LaunchStarz and visit their office in Los Angeles

Program Key Features

Beyond JAPAN Zero to X is a program designed to nurture entrepreneurs and leaders who will drive the next generation of innovation and contribute to Japan's growth strategy. This program provides personalized assistance and training specifically tailored to participants' grasp of startup phases and the North American business landscape. It aims to empower participants to take proactive steps and optimize their effectiveness.

Focus on specific business outcomes

This program enables participants to maximize their time efficiently, prioritizing business success and optimal outcomes. It focuses on independent tasks such as validating business ideas, crafting MVPs, and acquiring customers. Support and training are readily available as required to aid participants in their endeavors.

Support from Local Professionals

Local business professionals provide mentoring, training, workshops, networking, individual matching, and other business opportunities (Conducted in English). They also provide consultation (Conducted in Japanese and English) on issues and concerns unique to overseas expansion from Japan due to differences in business practices between Japan and the U.S.

Expenses All Covered

To make it easier for early-stage startup founders to participate, the Beyond Japan Program and the Japanese government eases the financial burden by fully subsidizing all expenses for travel, accommodation, and the program during the US training period.

Features of San Diego

The largest life science cluster on the West Coast. The program is packed with practical training and a variety of pitching and business matching opportunities specific to the field.
